Thursday, May 26, 2005

I Went, I Saw, I Applauded

I did it. I went and saw the 3rd episode of Star Wars. My hat is off to Mr. Lucas for his best one yet. I watched the first 2 over the other day so was prepared to see the 3rd. It far exceeded the first two. The first one I felt was merely a set up for the second two. An anchor. Very little interesting plot of its own though I liked Obie's (spelling I know) master. That's Ok though, it did it's job.

**Note, spoilers galore here, though I'm probably the last to see these**

The second was better. I was confused though because half way through I figured out who the emporer was but he wasn't shown as a bad guy yet. I thought, well, maybe they used him as a double for interest or something. Of course, all came to light in the 3rd. It was so difficult though because they made Anakin so likeable; it was painful to see him turn. Which of course was the genius in it.

I'm still left a bit sad though at Anakin's turning. And I'll miss the characters in their youthfulness. They really put in a lot of plot twisting, double meanings, and illusions. I thought the 3rd very well thought out. Now I'm ready to rewatch the remaining 3.


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