Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Musical Baton

AfricaBleu passed the musical baton on to me. Here are the questions and my answers:

1. Total volumn of music files on my computer.

Hehe, that would be a big fat 0. I know, I know, I can hear the computers gasping about me while my own PC hangs its head(?) in shame. I have never downloaded a song ever. Sloooow dial up connection plays some responsibility for that.

2. The last CD I bought was:

Hmmm. It's been a while. Most likely it was a soundtrack from a Disney cartoon. I love Disney music. I don't know what I will do when my kids outgrow Disney cartoons and I can no longer use them as an excuse. In the meantime, my van is usually rockin to songs from Tarzan or The Lion King. I'd love to get my hands on the soundtrack for Mulan. Yep, I'm hip.

3. Song playing right now:

Nothing actually. Sorry, I'm boring.

4. Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me.

Well, I love Bruce Carroll and two of his songs "Elm Street" and "Who will be Jesus" really move me. They really effect my spirit.

The Judds Greatest Hits. A whole tape is probably cheating but its not any particular song from this tape/CD but the thing as a whole that takes me back to my horse days. Ahh, great times.

"I Cross My Heart" and "I Swear" by George Strait and John Micheal Montgomery respectively. These were "our" songs. One was sung at our wedding and the other is what we danced to for our first dance.

Three people I am passing the baton on to:
Bacon on the Run
Quid Novi
and anyone who wants to do this


Blogger Baejaar said...

Sonson, music files on your computer need not be the ones you have downloaded. It can also be legal songs which you have just converted from CDs (which you have bought) into mp3 for playing it through various devices. Its called as "fair use" and its legal in most places.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

woah, Im sorry I was out of town!!! I will get right on it! I am trying to read through all that I have missed this week and JUST now come across this! I am not ignoring you I swear =)

1:07 PM  

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