Monday, February 06, 2006

Things I Love About My Spouse

One thing is for sure. Marriage is work. Truly my husband is a great guy. So why do I sometimes want to throttle him? LOL It is odd that to me that love doesn't take care of itself. I guess something so potentially powerful shouldn't be so easy to maintain. One thing that I think puts strains on love is taking things for granted. So this is my Valentine to my husband. I shall take a moment to appreciate some of the things I normally take for granted about my husband.

1. Loyal. My husband is very loyal. Both to me and our children. While sometimes he slips, he generally keeps us in the forefront of his mind.

2. Faithful. I sincerely believe my husband to be faithful to me. Not only that, but I don't worry about this when he goes out without me.

3. He takes his turn helping with the kids. If I were to ask him to wash the kids' hair, he would do it. He is a full parenting partner.

4. He lets me go out. Sometimes my friend will want to meet for dinner. I can drop all family dinner plans and go. He'll take care of things at home. I'm careful not to exploit this.

5. He helps take care of me when I need it. He's even washed my hair when pain kept me from doing it. He's tied my shoes. Put's on my socks. Drops me off at the door when we go somewhere.

6. He helps with chores when I ask.

7. He is generous.

8. He does things he doesn't want to do because I want to do them.

This really barely scratches the surface. We have our troubles but in truth he is more than I could have ever asked for. It's good sometimes to remember that.


Blogger Doug Bagley said...

That was really beautiful. It reminds me of how my dad takes care of my mom. She's had it pretty bad lately with her back. After surgeries, it's hard for her to clean up, so dad undresses, gets in the shower, and helps her out, scrubbing her back, etc. They're in their 70s, been married over 50 years and I think their love for each other is stronger than it's ever been.
Why that didn't rub off on me I don't know, LOL.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Love is wonderful. And I always think of February as the month of love, although June would probably be a better one. At the moment I am pouring out my love to a woman who is unable—or unwilling—to return it. That is painful for me; but I do truly love her, unconditionally.

12:03 AM  
Blogger 1974punkmom said...

this is a wonderful post! I wish there was some way to tell my husband how much I adore him and how much I don't ever want to take him for granted, knowing that I often do.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Penny said...

I am always happy to read about happy marriages, uncommon these days it seems. I'm sure your hubby treats you so well because it's a reciprocal relationship. Happy Valentine's Day to both of you.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

This would have made a perfect post on Feb 14. Wish you and your hubby, happy valentine's day.

5:53 AM  

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