Friday, July 08, 2005

Pick Your Poison

I've learned that the saying is definitely "Pick Your Poison" and not "Pick Some Poison". Trust me, picking poison is not a good idea. Poison Ivy that is. I've been nurturing a patch for two years. I thought it was volunteer Morning Glory as I'd planted some nearby the year prior. Well, my flower bed had gotten out of control and my volunteer Morning Glory wasn't blooming so I decided to clear it out. I am now sporting a nice healthy rash that itches like you wouldn't believe thanks to that so called volunteer Morning Glory. It's the pits.

I am no gardner, which you may have picked up by now. If it's green and it's growing, I give it a chance in case it might actually be a flower. No more. If I didn't directly plant you and even if I planted you but didn't expect you to come back, then "you're outta here"!

That must have been the biggest patch of poison ivy in history. If it had been marijuana, I'd be rich. Or in jail. But at least I wouldn't have this rash! I'm gonna have to wear gloves at all times to keep from scratching. I can't believe I grew poison ivy. Thank goodness I didn't feed it with Miracle Grow. It could have been covering my house.

Maybe I should offer a stalk to my kitty hating neighbor. :<)


Blogger AfricaBleu said...

Here's some good ol' country-girl wisdom for you: "Leaves of three, let it BE!"

The P.I. in our woods is so thick and persistant, I sometimes feel like it is assembling to destroy us - creeping towards us, one leaf at time, intent on taking back its land.

If you don't see my posts for a while, get someone to check out me, will you? It may be that I am being held hostage...

6:38 AM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

I maintain (or atleast used to) a kitchen garden. It had (organic) vegetables which we consumed and some flowering plants notably hibiscus. We had some for aesthetic values like crotons but more or less everything which I was pretty sure of. I love gardening but never got the time to devote to it fully (now it has only gone down due to this blog world)

4:17 AM  

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