Wednesday, June 22, 2005

All The ZZZ's

Last night my husband climbs in bed. 30 seconds later he says "I can't sleep". 30 seconds is a long time for him to still be awake. Generally as soon as he lays down, he starts snoring. I can't imagine what that must be like. I lay for an hour, sometimes more before going to sleep. He considers 30 seconds to be insomnia. Unbelievable. Within the minute he is snoring away having "conquered" his battle with sleep.

Normally I will climb in bed, say my prayers, and then begin the process of laying there. Trying different positions. Checking the clock. And then the real trouble begins. I start to think. I'll think about the day I had or some issue I encountered. I'll dream up big schemes of ways to help people without getting "caught". That usually leads to dreaming up ways to get my sister's goat. Sometimes I'll actually put these schemes to use, sometimes I don't. The card hunt for my friend's birthday was a concoction of late night sleeplessness.

Sometimes I'll think of my brother. I'll remember his last weeks. Then I'll lay there and dream up ways to fight Pancreatic cancer. Night time is when I will relive the things I've said to people. If I've been angry with someone, night time is when I will wish I'd kept my cool. It was a night time self evaluation that made me regret being so mean about Mrs. Money.

If I could go to sleep at night, I might be able to actually put my foot down about something!

On rare occasion I'll drift off to sleep pretty quickly. More often than not though, I'm laying in bed wishing sleep would come. I'll have gone to bed half an hour before my husband but he'll come in, lay down, and be asleep before I am. Oh how that drives me crazy! So unfair. He get's all the Z's and I'm left staring at the ceiling.


Blogger Unknown said...

My husband is exactly the same way. The best is when I nudge him to roll over because he's snoring and then he jerks awake and says, "What? I wasn't even asleep!"

2:56 PM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

More than a week without blogpost? So it seems, I am not the only one who was slightly off the blogging world.

Your husband seems to beat even my record. Within 300 seconds of entering the front door of my house, I would have entered the other world :-) Though I normally goto bed at 1 or 2 am.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

LOL! my husband and I are the same as you too!

6:59 AM  

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