Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A True Honor

Someone my brother had worked with, and whom he and his wife became very good friends with, we've just found out is pregnant. My brother had requested her to be an honorary pall bearer at his funeral. They had all become very close friends. She had recently married though my brother didn't live to see her wedding. Anyway, she is pregnant and she announced that if their child is a boy, they intend to name him after my brother. What an honor that she would name him after my brother. I know she took his death very hard. I don't know if her husband knew my brother or not. I am so touched that they would do that. I tried to send her a note of thanks, which I did, but it was very simple. I simply couldn't put into words what I felt in my heart. Our family name died out with my brother's death. But now, if the child is a boy, there will be a namesake of him out in the world. Maybe it's the grief that makes that seem so profound, but I really feel it deeply. What an incredible thing for someone to do.


Blogger kcoop said...

Wow... I'm floored... I don't even know how to respond... That is such an overwhelming honor. I'm almost crying now! I had thought about doing that also, just so my children (when I have them) will know who their family is and a little bit about their history. E-mail me and tell me who it is please.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That’s wonderful way to remember your brother and celebrate his life.

10:49 AM  

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